This collection of videos demonstrate supine and side lying mobilising approaches to perform traction, distraction and circumduction movements which are used to encourage quantity and quality mobility of this joint. Good handling and use of the therapists body encourage controlled, efficient and effective mobilising techniques
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articulation circular movement circumduction coxa femoral joint coxo femoral joint cross fibre and long stretch distraction gluteal muscles gluteus maximus gluteus medius gluteus minimus harmonic mobilising to hip joint hip joint internal & external rotation mobilising rhythmical soft tissue massage stretching traction
20. Knee & Superior Tibio-Fibular Joints Mobilising & Manipulation
Series: Series TwoCategory: Knee
1.5.2 Anterior Manipulation Prone for the Sacro-Iliac Joint
Series: Series OneCategory: Sacro Iliac
2.4.2 Mobilising of the Thoracic Spine Prone and Sitting
Series: Series OneCategory: Thoracic Spine
3.1.3 Cervical Spine 'Figure of 8' Mobilising Techniques
Series: Series OneCategory: Cervical Spine