This video demonstrates mainly cross fibre soft tissue massage approaches to the Thoracic Erector Spine & Scapulo-Thoracic muscles with the patient in the prone and side lying positions. Particular attention should be paid to the therapists use of smooth handling to alter technique positions, moving of the patient and their upper extremity which plays a part in the soft tissue techniques and their effectiveness.
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Thoracic Spine
articulation cross fibre dog technique latissimus dorsi levator scapulae lift off manipulation technique longitudinal minimal lever mid range mobilising multiple secondary components paraspinal muscles paravertebral muscles peri-scapular primary lever traction or cranial prone rhomboids rhythmical scapulo-thoracic sitting sitting or standing soft tissue massage springing subscapularis supine supine thoracic manipulation thoracic erector spinae thoracic spine traction or cranial primary lever trapezius winging scapular
20. Knee & Superior Tibio-Fibular Joints Mobilising & Manipulation
Series: Series TwoCategory: Knee
2.4.2 Mobilising of the Thoracic Spine Prone and Sitting
Series: Series OneCategory: Thoracic Spine