This video demonstrates a supine cradle technique with a primary lever of rotation, as applied to the C7/T1 joint. There are three small issues with this joint & this technique: i the facet angle at C7/T1 which is on quite a 'cranial' angle direction means the rotation must be applied along this cranial angle direction to slide the facet. ii the neck is mobile and between the 'helping' hand on the occiput and the 'working' hand on the C7, the two hands can either introduce a shift/translation movement towards the mid line and each other, or a supination away from the mid line and each other. This gives stabilisation to the neck, keeping the whole neck neutral and specific focusing at the C7/T1. iii The Trapezius muscle gets on the way of the 'working' hands contact onto the articular pillar of C7. So follow the practical & theory explanation in the video and this technique can be very effective.
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Cervico Thoracic Junction
1st rib modification c7 t1 c7-t1 cervico thoracic junction manipulation cervicothoracic junction chin hold cradle hold crossed hands approach direct impulse technique disc effective and efficient manipulation facet joints facet locking gapping lower facet lower cervical manipulation mid range focusing minimal lever mid range minimal lever mid range manipulation modified cradle grip modified cradle hold facing patient modified cradle hold patient sitting multiple components muscle spasm non torsional primary lever rotation primary lever rotation in cranial direction primary lever side bending prone restriction safe manipulation secondary levers side bending primary lever side lying side lying side bending upper and lower facets sitting slide upper facet slides facet small amplitude impulse supine upper facet lower facet
20. Knee & Superior Tibio-Fibular Joints Mobilising & Manipulation
Series: Series TwoCategory: Knee
1.5.2 Anterior Manipulation Prone for the Sacro-Iliac Joint
Series: Series OneCategory: Sacro Iliac