This collection of videos demonstrate a range of soft tissue massage techniques as applied to the muscles of the Thoracic Spine and the Shoulder girdle. These techniques should be viewed and practiced to the point that they can be remembered and added together in a very natural flow without breaking the rhythm of the treatment. Techniques are demonstrated in the supine, side-lying and supine positions. Further rib stretching techniques are demonstrated with the patient in the supine, side lying and sitting positions, viewers must take care to optimally fix the relevant rib and use the patients arm or body, moving it/them in the correct direction to facilitate and differentiate between upper and lower ribs.
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Thoracic Spine
cross fibre disc dog technique effective and efficient manipulation facet joints facet locking local friction local inhibition long stretch lower ribs bucket handle movement stretch. fix rib mid range focusing minimal lever mid range manipulation multiple components muscle spasm non torsional primary lever traction prone springing restriction safe manipulation secondary levers side lying and sitting sitting and standing lift off techniques small amplitude impulse soft tissue massage superficial and deep muscle fascial stretch. rib stretching supine supine thoracic manipulation upper ribs pump handle
20. Knee & Superior Tibio-Fibular Joints Mobilising & Manipulation
Series: Series TwoCategory: Knee