This collection of videos demonstrate a range of soft tissue massage techniques in the side lying and prone positions, with a supine traction approach and then mobilising techniques for the lumbar spine in side lying and prone. The viewer should take note of the therapists handling skills so that each technique variation can flow from one to the next. Also note the controlled and slow speed of hand movements that the therapist uses.
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Lumbar Spine
articulation cross fibre direct disc effective and efficient manipulation facet joints facet locking foraminal gapping harmonic inhibition local friction local inhibition long stretch longitudinal lumbar erector spinae lumbar flexion lumbar gapping lumbar roll manipulation lumbar rotation lumbar spine manipulation mid lumbar spine mid range focusing minimal lever mid range minimal lever mid range manipulation mobilising multiple components muscle spasm non torsional paraspinal muscles paravertebral muscles primary lever rotation primary lever side bending prone psoas muscle restriction rotation primary lever safe manipulation secondary levers side bending primary lever side lying side lying and sitting techniques small amplitude impulse soft tissue massage stretch superficial and deep muscle fascial stretch. prone supine supine thoracic manipulation therapeutic traction
20. Knee & Superior Tibio-Fibular Joints Mobilising & Manipulation
Series: Series TwoCategory: Knee