This video demonstrates manipulation at the L5/S1 with the patient in the prone position. It shows and explains how to focus directly to the L5/S1 how to maintain the control, introduction of the relevant components and the impulse movement itself.
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Lumbo Sacral Junction
articulation back to back counter nutation movement sacrum disc effective and efficient manipulation facet joints facet locking flexion l5 s1 lumbar roll manipulation lumbar spine lumbo sacral lumbosacral junction manipulation manipulation prone mid range focusing minimal lever mid range minimal lever mid range manipulation minimal torsion mobilising multiple components muscle spasm non torsional osteophytes primary lever flexion primary lever rotation primary lever side bending primary lever traction primary lever translation primary mobilising direction restriction rhythmical sacral springing safe manipulation secondary components secondary levers side lying sitting small amplitude small amplitude impulse spondylolisthesis standing standing and prone techniques stretch posterior structures supine supine thoracic manipulation therapeutic traction traction manipulation vertical
1.5.2 Anterior Manipulation Prone for the Sacro-Iliac Joint
Series: Series OneCategory: Sacro Iliac