This video demonstrates the basic approach to the sitting and standing 'lift off' manipulation technique for the Thoracic spine. The 'lift off' technique is basically a 'Dog' technique applied in a vertical position. The therapists body (anterior aspect) become the applicator and the therapists arms grip around the front of the patient and introduce the relevant and appropriate components. The actual name 'lift off' is suggestive that the patient is lifted of the table, however this should not be the case. Add the therapist pulls through the patients arms, the therapists applies and anterior pressure with their anterior body acting as a positive application fixing one (the lower) vertebra and the higher one is pulled/pushed in a cranial direction which is the lift off. Good co-ordination and timing are both required to ensure and efficient, effective and comfortable technique.
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Thoracic Spine
articulation cross fibre dog technique latissimus dorsi levator scapulae lift off manipulation technique longitudinal minimal lever mid range mobilising multiple secondary components paraspinal muscles paravertebral muscles peri-scapular primary lever traction or cranial prone rhomboids rhythmical scapulo-thoracic sitting sitting or standing soft tissue massage springing subscapularis supine supine thoracic manipulation thoracic erector spinae thoracic spine traction or cranial primary lever trapezius winging scapular
1.5.2 Anterior Manipulation Prone for the Sacro-Iliac Joint
Series: Series OneCategory: Sacro Iliac
2.4.2 Mobilising of the Thoracic Spine Prone and Sitting
Series: Series OneCategory: Thoracic Spine