This video demonstrates a rotation manipulation of the C7/T1 with the patient sitting. The technique initially looks a little complex but if the explanation is followed then the technique can be extremely successful, is non traumatic and ultra specific. One point to remember don't loose the side bending, otherwise the rotation increases too much. Typically the side bending is lost as anterior rotation is introduced so the side bending needs to be added a second time after the anterior translation!
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Cervico Thoracic Junction
1st rib modification c7 t1 c7-t1 cervico thoracic junction manipulation cervicothoracic junction chin hold cradle hold crossed hands approach direct impulse technique disc effective and efficient manipulation facet joints facet locking gapping lower facet lower cervical manipulation mid range focusing minimal lever mid range minimal lever mid range manipulation modified cradle grip modified cradle hold facing patient modified cradle hold patient sitting multiple components muscle spasm non torsional primary lever rotation primary lever rotation in cranial direction primary lever side bending prone restriction safe manipulation secondary levers side bending primary lever side lying side lying side bending upper and lower facets sitting slide upper facet slides facet small amplitude impulse supine upper facet lower facet
1.5.2 Anterior Manipulation Prone for the Sacro-Iliac Joint
Series: Series OneCategory: Sacro Iliac
2.4.2 Mobilising of the Thoracic Spine Prone and Sitting
Series: Series OneCategory: Thoracic Spine