This collection of videos demonstrate a large range of techniques specifically for the C7/T1 facet (spinal junction) The techniques start with mobilisation techniques one in sitting and the second Harmonic technique in supine. The manipulation techniques consist of supine cradle holds for the C7/T1 and a modification for the 1st rib, moving onto two side lying approaches which use a side bending primary lever focus to the ipsilateral (upper facet) and the contra-lateral (lower facet). A prone 'cross handed' approach is shown with a modification for the 1st rib, a sitting specific very minimal rotation technique is demonstrated which is a wonderful technique which does require control and a lot of practice and the viewer must follow the instruction of the component building process to the barrier in this particular case. The last two techniques are sitting and standing 'lift-off' approaches to the C7/T1. Remember all sitting and standing techniques within a treatment do break the flow of the treatment and unless specifically needed at a certain point in the treatment work well towards the end of the treatment when you are starting to get the patient up off the plinth! Much practice and repetition is required to master these techniques.
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Cervico Thoracic Junction
1st rib modification c7 t1 c7-t1 cervico thoracic junction manipulation cervicothoracic junction chin hold cradle hold crossed hands approach direct impulse technique disc effective and efficient manipulation facet joints facet locking gapping lower facet lower cervical manipulation mid range focusing minimal lever mid range minimal lever mid range manipulation modified cradle grip modified cradle hold facing patient modified cradle hold patient sitting multiple components muscle spasm non torsional primary lever rotation primary lever rotation in cranial direction primary lever side bending prone restriction safe manipulation secondary levers side bending primary lever side lying side lying side bending upper and lower facets sitting slide upper facet slides facet small amplitude impulse supine upper facet lower facet
20. Knee & Superior Tibio-Fibular Joints Mobilising & Manipulation
Series: Series TwoCategory: Knee