This video demonstrates a mobilising technique that uses similar component movements that would/could often be introduced with a manipulation. Rotation and Side bending primary lever mobilising directions are demonstrated similar to rotation and side bending manipulation techniques. The Figure of 8 technique when applied well requires optimum control, rhythm, co-ordination and demonstrates handling posture skills by the therapist.
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Cervical Spine
anterior cervical fascia anterior cervical muscles articulation atlanto-axial c1-c2 side bending mobilising c0-c1 cervical erector spinae cervical spine chin grip combined cross fibre and longitudinal stretch cradle grip cross fibre deep figure of 8 longitudinal fibre stretch m primary lever side bending manipulation mid region minimal lever mid range mobilising modified cradle facing patient modified cradle grip multiple secondary levers o-a o-a side bending mobilising occipito-atlantal occiput-atlas paraspinal muscles paravertebral muscles posterior muscles primary lever rotation primary lever side bending rhythmical rotation primary lever direction side bending primary lever direction sitting soft tissue massage stretch superficial supine traction articulation
1.5.2 Anterior Manipulation Prone for the Sacro-Iliac Joint
Series: Series OneCategory: Sacro Iliac
2.4.2 Mobilising of the Thoracic Spine Prone and Sitting
Series: Series OneCategory: Thoracic Spine
3.1.3 Cervical Spine 'Figure of 8' Mobilising Techniques
Series: Series OneCategory: Cervical Spine